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Russia Moscow
Section Mechanics
Title Numerical methods of multibody mechanical system’s dynamic equations integration, based on methods of direct integration of finite element method’s dynamic equations
Author(-s) Yudakov A.A.a, Boikov V.G.ab
Affiliations ZAO (Close Corporation) “Avtomekhanika’’a, Lomonosov Moscow State Universityb
Abstract The article covers the basic principles of the linearization of dynamic equations for an arbitrary multibody mechanical system. General approaches to the formation of specialized numerical methods for integrating multibody systems are described, which are based on classical methods of finite-element method for direct integration of the dynamic equations. The method based on the known implicit Newmark method is considered. The calculation formulae are derived and a brief study on stability is conducted. In addition, the examples of test calculation are given, which are performed using the Newmark specialized method by means of bundled EULER software for dynamic analysis of multibody mechanical systems.
Keywords multibody system, finite element method, stiff problem, system linearization, implicit numerical integration methods, Newmark's method
UDC 519.62
MSC 65L80, 70E55
DOI 10.20537/vm130112
Received 1 November 2012
Language Russian
Citation Yudakov A.A., Boikov V.G. Numerical methods of multibody mechanical system’s dynamic equations integration, based on methods of direct integration of finite element method’s dynamic equations, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2013, issue 1, pp. 131-144.
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