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Russia Volgograd
Section Mechanics
Title Numerical model of shallow water dynamics in the channel of the Volga: estimation of roughness
Author(-s) Pisarev A.V.a, Khrapov S.S.a, Agafonnikova E.O.a, Khoperskov A.V.a
Affiliations Volgograd State Universitya
Abstract The results for the numerical simulation of the dynamics of shallow waters for the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain are discussed. The mathematical model is based on the system of Saint-Venant equations. The numerical solution uses a combined Lagrangian—Eulerian (CSPH-TVD) algorithm. We investigated the characteristics of spring flood in 2011 and received the inapplicability of the hydrodynamical model with the constant roughness coefficient $n_M$. The agreement between the results of numerical simulations and the observations data at hydroposts allowed us to obtain estimates $ n_M $ in low water $n_M^{\min} = 0.02$ and the maximum water level in the channel of the Volga $n_M^{\max} = 0.047$.
Keywords Saint Venant model, numerical methods, floods, roughness coefficient
UDC 517.958, 531.32
MSC 86A05
DOI 10.20537/vm130111
Received 27 August 2012
Language Russian
Citation Pisarev A.V., Khrapov S.S., Agafonnikova E.O., Khoperskov A.V. Numerical model of shallow water dynamics in the channel of the Volga: estimation of roughness, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2013, issue 1, pp. 114-130.
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