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Name: Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Text: N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: ul. S. Kovalevskoi, 16
City: Yekaterinburg
Postcode: 620990
Country: Russia
Number of authors: 53
Number of publications: 94
2012-01-05 Osipov A.V. The dual of $C_{rc}(X)$
2012-01-08 Usova A.A. Asymptotic properties of optimal solutions and value functions in optimal control problems with infinite time horizon
2012-01-09 Cheblokov I.B., Chentsov A.G. About one route problem with interior works
2012-02-07 Serkov D.A. Optimal guarantee under the disturbances of Caratheodory type
2012-03-09 Chentsov A.G. The transformation of ultrafilters and their application in constructions of attraction sets
2012-03-14 Petrov N.N., Tonkov E.L., Ushakov V.N., Chentsov A.G. In memory of Nikolai Nikolaevich Krasovskii (07.09.1924–04.04.2012)
2012-04-06 Rodina L.I., Tonkov E.L. About the attainability set of control system without assumption of compactness of geometrical restrictions on admissible controls
2012-04-08 Ushakov A.V. On one version of approximate permitting control calculation in a problem of approaching
2012-04-09 Chentsov A.G. About an example of the attraction set construction with employment of Stone space
2013-01-06 Khlopin D.V. On necessary boundary conditions for strongly optimal control in infinite horizon control problems
2013-01-07 Chentsov A.G. To question of routing of works complexes
2013-03-04 Kornev D.V., Lukoyanov N.Yu. On numerical solution of differential games with nonterminal payoff in classes of mixed strategies
2013-03-07 Serkov D.A. Optimal control under $L_p$-compact constraints on the disturbance
2013-03-08 Chentsov A.A., Chentsov A.G. The iterations method in generalized courier problem with singularity in the definition of cost functions
2013-04-09 Lebedev P.D., Uspenskii A.A., Ushakov V.N. Algorithms of the best approximations of the flat sets by the union of circles
2013-04-13 Tonkov E.L. Turnpike processes of control systems on smooth manifolds
2013-04-15 Chentsov A.G. To question about representation of Stone compactums
2013-04-16 Borisov A.V., Gryzlov A.A., Derr V.Ya., Karpov A.I., Latypova N.V., Rodina L.I., Tonkov E.L., Ushakov V.N. Petrov Nikolai Nikandrovich (on his sixties birthday)
2014-01-07 Salii Ya.V. On the effect of precedence constraints on computational complexity of dynamic programming method for routing problems
2014-01-08 Chentsov A.G. Some ultrafilter properties connected with extension constructions
2014-02-03 Kolpakova E.A. Generalized solution for system of quasi-linear equations
2014-02-04 Petunin A.A., Chentsov A.G., Chentsov P.A. Local dynamic programming incuts in routing problems with restrictions
2014-03-09 Chentsov A.G. To the validity of constraints in the class of generalized elements
2014-04-10 Chentsov A.G. The Bellmann insertions in the route problem with constraints and complicated cost functions
2014-04-12 Gaishun I.V., Gryzlov A.A., Derr V.Ya., Izobov N.A., Karpov A.I., Makarov E.K., Merzlyakova G.V., Petrov N.N., Popova S.N., Rodina L.I., Rozov N.Kh., Sergeev I.N., Tolstonogov A.A., Ushakov V.N., Chentsov A.G. In memory of Evgenii Leonidovich Tonkov (27.06.1940-28.09.2014)
2015-02-03 Patrakeev M.A., Reznichenko E.A. Example of nonnormal submetrizable space of small cardinality
2015-02-06 Chentsov A.G. To question about realization of attraction elements in abstract attainability problems
2015-03-05 Serkov D.A., Chentsov A.G. Programmed iteration method and operator convexity in an abstract retention problem
2015-04-03 Zimovets A.A., Matviichuk A.R. A parallel algorithm for constructing approximate attainable sets of nonlinear control systems
2016-01-01 Bagno A.L., Tarasyev A.M. Properties of the value function in optimal control problems with infinite horizon
2016-01-02 Banshchikova I.N., Popova S.N. On the spectral set of a linear discrete system with stable Lyapunov exponents
2016-01-09 Ushakov V.N., Uspenskii A.A. $\alpha$-sets in finite dimensional Euclidean spaces and their properties
2016-01-10 Chentsov A.G., Chentsov A.A. Routing of displacements with dynamic constraints: “bottleneck problem”
2016-02-12 Ushakov V.N., Lebedev P.D. Algorithms of optimal set covering on the planar $\mathbb{R}^2$
2016-02-13 Chentsov A.G. The programmed iterations method in a game problem of guidance
2016-03-05 Pytkeev E.G., Chentsov A.G. Some representations of free ultrafilters
2016-04-07 Serkov D.A. An approach to analysis of the set of truth: unlocking of predicate
2016-04-09 Ushakov V.N., Ershov A.A. On the solution of control problems with fixed terminal time
2016-04-10 Chentsov A.G. The Bellmann insertions in route problems with constraints and complicated cost functions. II
2017-01-08 Ushakov V.N., Lebedev P.D. Iterative methods for minimization of the Hausdorff distance between movable polygons
2017-01-11 Grigoryev A.M. Solution of the problem of optimal task distribution by the method of dynamic programming with parallel computing
2017-02-04 Krasovskii N.A., Tarasyev A.M. Asymptotic behavior of solutions in dynamical bimatrix games with discounted indices
2017-02-05 Parshikov G.V. On approximate solvability set construction in a guidance problem for a time-invariant control system on a finite time interval
2017-02-06 Plaksin A.R. On Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs-Bellman equation for neutral type systems
2017-02-11 Serkov D.A. Unlocking of predicate: application to constructing a non-anticipating selection
2017-03-01 Averboukh Yu.V. Randomized Nash equilibrium for differential games
2017-03-04 Makarov E.K., Popova S.N. On the definition of uniform complete controllability
2017-03-05 Maksimov V.I., Surkov P.G. On the solvability of the problem of guaranteed package guidance to a system of target sets
2017-03-06 Rubina L.I., Ul’yanov O.N. On one approach to solving nonhomogeneous partial differential equations
2017-03-07 Chentsov A.G. Ultrafilters and maximal linked systems
2017-04-01 Banshchikova I.N., Popova S.N. On the property of integral separation of discrete-time systems
2017-04-05 Chentsov A.G., Chentsov A.A., Grigoryev A.M. On one routing problem modeling movement in radiation fields
2018-01-02 Berezin A.A. Positional strategies in mean-field control problems on a finite state space
2018-01-06 Uspenskii A.A., Lebedev P.D. Identification of the singularity of the generalized solution of the Dirichlet problem for an eikonal type equation under the conditions of minimal smoothness of a boundary set
2018-01-09 Chentsov A.G., Savenkov I.I., Shapar' Yu.V. A problem of program maximin with constraints of asymptotic nature
2018-02-06 Pytkeev E.G., Chentsov A.G. The Wallman compactifier and its application for investigation of the abstract attainability problem
2018-03-06 Chentsov A.G., Chentsov A.A., Sesekin A.N. Dynamic programming in the generalized bottleneck problem and the start point optimization
2018-04-01 Kandoba I.N., Koz’min I.V., Novikov D.A. Numerical investigation of a nonlinear time-optimal problem
2018-04-04 Tanana V.P., Ershova A.A. On the solution of an inverse boundary value problem for composite materials
2018-04-05 Ushakov V.N., Ershov A.A., Parshikov G.V. On reducing the motion of a controlled system to a Lebesgue set of a Lipschitz function
2018-04-06 Chentsov A.G., Grigoryev A.M. Optimizing multi-inserts in routing problems with constraints
2019-03-07 Chentsov A.G., Chentsov A.A. On the question of the optimization of permutations in the problem with dynamic constraints
2019-04-08 Chentsov A.G., Pytkeev E.G. Constraints of asymptotic nature and attainability problems
2019-04-10 Belousov A.N., Ivanko E.E. Experimental research of the application of modern combinatorial optimization solvers to the accompanying manufacturing optimization problem
2020-01-01 Averboukh Yu.V. Markov approximations of nonzero-sum differential games
2020-01-02 Izmest'ev I.V. Discrete game problem with ring-shaped terminal set
2020-01-06 Chentsov A.G., Khachai D.M. Relaxation of pursuit-evasion differential game and program absorption operator
2020-02-12 Chentsov A.G. Ultrafilters as admissible generalized elements under asymptotic constraints
2020-03-06 Ukhobotov V.I., Ushakov V.N. On one control problem with disturbance and vectograms depending linearly on given sets
2020-03-07 Chentsov A.G. Filters and linked families of sets
2020-04-01 Blizorukova M.S., Maksimov V.I. Reconstruction of the right-hand part of a distributed differential equation using a positional controlled model
2020-04-02 Gomoyunov M.I., Serkov D.A. Non-anticipative strategies in guarantee optimization problems under functional constraints on disturbances
2020-04-04 Ushakov V.N., Pershakov M.V. On estimation of Hausdorff deviation of convex polygons in $\mathbb{R}^2$ from their differences with disks
2021-01-06 Chentsov A.G., Sesekin A.N. Relaxation of the attainability problem for a linear control system of neutral type
2021-02-04 Osipov I.O. On the convexity of the reachable set with respect to a part of coordinates at small time intervals
2021-03-07 Rubina L.I., Ul’yanov O.N. On solving non-homogeneous partial differential equations with right-hand side defined on the grid
2021-03-09 Uspenskii A.A., Lebedev P.D. On the structure of the singular set of solutions in one class of 3D time-optimal control problems
2021-03-10 Chentsov A.G., Chentsov P.A. On sequential traversal of sets
2021-04-02 Averboukh Yu.V. Approximation of value function of differential game with minimal cost
2021-04-03 Ananyev B.I. On some estimation problems for nonlinear dynamic systems
2021-04-06 Gomoyunov M.I., Serkov D.A. On guarantee optimization in control problem with finite set of disturbances
2021-04-10 Chentsov A.G. On properties of one functional used in software constructions for solving differential games
2022-01-07 Petrov N.N., Machtakova A.I. Group pursuit in a problem with fractional derivatives in the class of positional strategies with a guide
2022-02-02 Gusev M.I., Osipov I.O. On a local synthesis problem for nonlinear systems with integral constraints
2022-02-03 Petunin A.A., Chentsov A.G., Chentsov P.A. Some applications of optimization routing problems with additional constraints
2022-03-06 Spiridonov A.A., Kumkov S.S. Keeping order of vessels in problem of safe merging aircraft flows
2022-03-07 Ushakov V.N., Ershov A.A. On the parametric dependence of the volume of integral funnels and their approximations
2022-04-01 Averboukh Yu.V. A mean field type differential inclusion with upper semicontinuous right-hand side
2022-04-04 Izmest'ev I.V., Ukhobotov V.I. On one problem of controlling the heating of a rod system under uncertainty
2022-04-06 Chentsov A.G., Chentsov A.A. Dynamic programming and questions of solvability of route bottleneck problem with resource constraints
2023-01-04 Davletov D.B., Davletov O.B., Davletova R.R., Ershov A.A. On eigenelements of a two-dimensional Steklov-type boundary value problem for the Lamé operator
2024-01-05 Machtakova A.I., Petrov N.N. On two problems of pursuit of a group of evaders in differential games with fractional derivatives
2024-02-03 Kostousova E.K. On solving terminal approach and evasion problems for linear discrete-time systems under state constraints
2024-02-06 Chentsov A.G., Chentsov A.A., Chentsov P.A. The routing bottlenecks problem (optimization within zones)