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Russia Yekaterinburg
Section Mathematics
Title Filters and linked families of sets
Author(-s) Chentsov A.G.ab
Affiliations Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciencesa, Ural Federal Universityb
Abstract Properties of ultrafilters (u/f) and maximal linked systems (MLS) on the widely understood measurable space (MS) and representations of linked (not necessarily maximal) families and filters on this MS are investigated. Conditions realizing maximality of linked families (systems) and natural representations for bitopological spaces (BTS) of u/f and MLS are established. Equipments of sets of linked families and filters corresponding to Wallman and Stone schemes are studied; the connection of these equipments with analogous equipments (with topologies) for u/f and MLS leading to above-mentioned BTS is studied too. Properties of linked family products for two (widely understood) MS are investigated. It is shown that MLS on the $\pi$-system product (that is, on the family of “measurable” rectangles) are limited to products of corresponding MLS on initial spaces.
Keywords maximal linked system, family of sets, topology, ultrafilter
UDC 519.6
MSC 93C83
DOI 10.35634/vm200307
Received 3 August 2020
Language Russian
Citation Chentsov A.G. Filters and linked families of sets, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2020, vol. 30, issue 3, pp. 444-467.
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