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Russia Izhevsk; Yekaterinburg
Section Mathematics
Title About the attainability set of control system without assumption of compactness of geometrical restrictions on admissible controls
Author(-s) Rodina L.I.a, Tonkov E.L.ab
Affiliations Udmurt State Universitya, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciencesb
Abstract We investigate the conditions under which the control system $\dot x=f(t,x,u),$ $u\in U (t,x)$ together with closure of set of shifts (concerning time $t$) of control system possesses property of uniform local or uniform global attainability on the given time interval. We do not suppose that function $(t,x)\to U(t,x),$ setting geometrical restrictions on admissible controls $u(t,x)\in U(t,x),$ has convex compact images and we do not suppose that differential inclusion corresponding to control system has convex images.
Keywords statistically weakly invariant sets, controlled systems, attainability set, integral funnel, differential inclusion
UDC 517.977.5
MSC 35F15, 37G10
DOI 10.20537/vm120406
Received 7 September 2012
Language Russian
Citation Rodina L.I., Tonkov E.L. About the attainability set of control system without assumption of compactness of geometrical restrictions on admissible controls, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2012, issue 4, pp. 68-79.
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