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Name: National University of Uzbekistan
Text: National University of Uzbekistan
Address: ul. Universitetskaya, 4
City: Tashkent
Postcode: 100174
Country: Uzbekistan
Number of authors: 11
Abdishukurova Gozal Maqsud
Abdullayev Jonibek Shokirovich
Fayziev Yusuf Ergashevich
Karimov Javlon Juraboy
Khomidov Mukhriddin Karimjon ugli
Khudayberganov Gulmirza
Mamadaliev Numanjon Alimdzhonovich
Mustapokulov Khamdam Yangiboyevich
Narmanov Abdigappar Yakubovich
Sharipov Anvarzhon Solievich
Zoyidov Azam Nurilloevich
Number of publications: 10
2014-01-10 Sharipov A.S. On the group of isometries of foliated manifold
2018-02-05 Petrov N.N., Narmanov A.Ya. Multiple capture of a given number of evaders in the problem of a simple pursuit
2019-04-06 Rakhmonov U.S., Abdullayev J.Sh. On volumes of matrix ball of third type and generalized Lie balls
2020-01-04 Narmanov A.Ya., Zoyidov A.N. On the group of diffeomorphisms of foliated manifolds
2020-03-01 Dzhalilov A.A., Karimov J.J. The thermodynamic formalism and exponents of singularity of invariant measure of circle maps with a single break
2021-02-10 Khudayberganov G., Abdullayev J.Sh. Holomorphic continuation into a matrix ball of functions defined on a piece of its skeleton
2022-01-06 Narmanov A.Ya., Abdishukurova G.M. The stability of completely controllable systems
2023-01-07 Mamadaliev N.A., Mustapokulov Kh.Ya., Abdualimova G.M. The method of resolving functions for solving a pursuit problem with integral constraints on player controls
2023-02-01 Dzhalilov A.A., Khomidov M.K. Hitting functions for mixed partitions
2024-02-01 Ashurov R.R., Fayziev Yu.E., Tukhtaeva N.M. Direct and inverse problems for the Hilfer fractional differential equation