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Russia Izhevsk
Section Computer science
Title Mutual modeling of sequential and parallel word computations
Author(-s) Beltyukov A.P.a, Maslov S.G.a, Joudakizadeh M.a
Affiliations Udmurt State Universitya
Abstract The work is devoted to the connection between parallel and sequential computing. On the one hand, we consider a class of word predicates based on sequential calculations, limited in memory by constants and having polynomial time complexity. On the other hand, we consider a class of word predicates that are computable on parallel alternating machines in logarithmic time. The coincidence of the corresponding classes is proven. The direction of using the obtained results for mutual transformation and combination of calculations on molecular biosimilar sequential machines and parallel calculations on vector-matrix computers is proposed. Intended applications: real-time image processing for control tasks, analysis of large texts and other big data.
Keywords word predicates, parallel computing, sequential computing, big data, computational complexity, biosimilar computers, vector-matrix computers, alternation
UDC 004.04
MSC 03D15, 68Q05
DOI 10.35634/vm240208
Received 16 April 2024
Language Russian
Citation Beltyukov A.P., Maslov S.G., Joudakizadeh M. Mutual modeling of sequential and parallel word computations, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2024, vol. 34, issue 2, pp. 299-308.
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