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India Vellore
Section Mathematics
Title Local antimagic chromatic number for the corona product of wheel and null graphs
Author(-s) Shankar R.a, Nalliah M.Ch.a
Affiliations Vellore Institute of Technology Vellorea
Abstract Let $G=(V,E)$ be a graph of order $p$ and size $q$ having no isolated vertices. A bijection $f\colon E{\rightarrow}\left\{1,2,3,\ldots,q \right\}$ is called a local antimagic labeling if for all $uv\in E$, we have $w(u)\neq w(v)$, the weight $w(u)=\sum_{e\in E(u)}f(e)$, where $E(u)$ is the set of edges incident to $u$. A graph $G$ is local antimagic, if $G$ has a local antimagic labeling. The local antimagic chromatic number $\chi_{la}(G)$ is defined to be the minimum number of colors taken over all colorings of $G$ induced by local antimagic labelings of $G$. In this paper, we completely determine the local antimagic chromatic number for the corona product of wheel and null graphs.
Keywords local antimagic labeling, local antimagic chromatic number, corona product, wheel graph
UDC 519.1
MSC 05C78, 05C15
DOI 10.35634/vm220308
Received 12 May 2022
Language English
Citation Shankar R., Nalliah M.Ch. Local antimagic chromatic number for the corona product of wheel and null graphs, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2022, vol. 32, issue 3, pp. 463-485.
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