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Name: Urgench State University
Text: Al-Kharezmi Urgench State University
Address: ul. H. Olimjon, 14
City: Urgench
Postcode: 740000
Country: Uzbekistan
Number of authors: 15
Number of publications: 10
2012-03-01 Baltaeva U.I. On some boundary value problems for a third order loaded integro-differential equation with real parameters
2021-02-09 Urazboev G.U., Babadjanova A.K., Saparbaeva D.R. Integration of the Harry Dym equation with an integral type source
2021-04-01 Abdullaev B.I., Imomkulov S.A., Sharipov R.A. Structure of singular sets of some classes of subharmonic functions
2022-02-01 Babajanov B.A., Azamatov A.Sh. Integration of the Kaup–Boussinesq system with a self-consistent source via inverse scattering method
2022-02-05 Urazboev G.U., Hasanov M.M. Integration of the negative order Korteweg–de Vries equation with a self-consistent source in the class of periodic functions
2023-01-01 Abdullaev B.I., Kamolov Kh.Q. Potential theory on an analytic surface
2023-01-02 Atamuratov A.A., Rasulov K.K. On Shimoda's Theorem
2023-01-11 Hoitmetov U.A., Khasanov T.G. Integration of the Korteweg-de Vries equation with loaded terms and a self-consistent source in the class of rapidly decreasing functions
2023-03-09 Urazboev G.U., Baltaeva I.I., Ismoilov O.B. Integration of the negative order Korteweg-de Vries equation by the inverse scattering method
2024-02-05 Hoitmetov U.A., Sobirov Sh.K. Integration of the mKdV equation with time-dependent coefficients, with an additional term and with an integral source in the class of rapidly decreasing functions