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Russia Rostov-on-Don
Section Mathematics
Title Numerical study of the impact of directed migration of non-indigenous species on invasion scenarios
Author(-s) Budyansky A.V.a
Affiliations Don State Technical Universitya
Abstract A mathematical model of competition under conditions of biological invasion, written in the form of a system of nonlinear parabolic equations, is considered. The competition of two closely related species — resident and invader — is studied. The dynamics of populations in a heterogeneous area is determined by local interaction and diffusion. For the invader population, interspecific taxis and directed migration caused by heterogeneity of living conditions are taken into account. In computational experiments, sets of migration parameters corresponding to various invasion scenarios are determined. An analysis of the influence of initial distributions on competitive exclusion and coexistence of species is given.
Keywords math modeling, population dynamics, nonlinear parabolic equations, invasion, taxis
UDC 519.63
MSC 37H25
DOI 10.35634/vm230401
Received 20 October 2023
Language Russian
Citation Budyansky A.V. Numerical study of the impact of directed migration of non-indigenous species on invasion scenarios, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2023, vol. 33, issue 4, pp. 551-562.
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