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Iraq; Russia Al Diwaniyah; Izhevsk
Section Mathematics
Title On support sets of acyclic and transitive digraphs
Author(-s) Al' Dzhabri Kh.Sh.ab, Rodionov V.I.b
Affiliations University of Al-Qadisiyaha, Udmurt State Universityb
Abstract In previous works of the authors, the concept of a binary reflexive adjacency relation was introduced on the set of all binary relations of the set $X$, and an algebraic system consisting of all binary relations of the set $X$ and of all unordered pairs of adjacent binary relations was defined. If $X$ is a finite set, then this algebraic system is a graph (graph of binary relations $G$). The current paper introduces the notion of a support set for acyclic and transitive digraphs. This is the collections $S(\sigma)$ and $S'(\sigma)$ consisting of the vertices of the digraph $\sigma\in G$ that have zero indegree and zero outdegree, respectively. It is proved that if $G_\sigma $ is a connected component of the graph $G$ containing the acyclic or transitive digraph $\sigma\in G$, then $\{S(\tau): \tau\in G_\sigma\}=\{S'(\tau): \tau\in G_\sigma\}$. A formula for the number of transitive digraphs having a fixed support set is obtained. An analogous formula for the number of acyclic digraphs having a fixed support set was obtained by the authors earlier.
Keywords enumeration of graphs, acyclic digraph, transitive digraph
UDC 519.175, 519.115
MSC 05C30
DOI 10.20537/vm170201
Received 1 February 2017
Language Russian
Citation Al' Dzhabri Kh.Sh., Rodionov V.I. On support sets of acyclic and transitive digraphs, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2017, vol. 27, issue 2, pp. 153-161.
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