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Belarus Novopolotsk
Section Mathematics
Title On the sufficient condition of global scalarizability of linear control systems with locally integrable coefficients
Author(-s) Kozlov A.A.a
Affiliations Polotsk State Universitya
Abstract We consider a linear time-varying control system with locally integrable and integrally bounded coefficients $$\dot x =A(t)x+ B(t)u, \quad x\in\mathbb{R}^n,\quad u\in\mathbb{R}^m,\quad t\geqslant 0. \qquad (1)$$ We construct control of the system $(1)$ as a linear feedback $u=U(t)x$ with measurable and bounded function $U(t)$, $t\geqslant 0$. For the closed-loop system $$\dot x =(A(t)+B(t)U(t))x, \quad x\in\mathbb{R}^n, \quad t\geqslant 0, \qquad(2)$$ a definition of uniform global quasi-attainability is introduced. This notion is a weakening of the property of uniform global attainability. The last property means existence of matrix $U(t)$, $t\geqslant 0$, ensuring equalities $X_U((k+1)T,kT)=H_k$ for the state-transition matrix $X_U(t,s)$ of the system $(2)$ with fixed $T>0$ and arbitrary $k\in\mathbb N$, $\det H_k>0$. We prove that uniform global quasi-attainability implies global scalarizability. The last property means that for any given locally integrable and integrally bounded scalar function $p=p(t)$, $t\geqslant0$, there exists a measurable and bounded function $U=U(t)$, $t\geqslant 0$, which ensures asymptotic equivalence of the system $(2)$ and the system of scalar type $\dot z=p(t)z$, $z\in\mathbb{R}^n$, $t\geqslant0$.
Keywords linear control system, Lyapunov exponents, global scalarizability
UDC 517.926, 517.977
MSC 34D08, 34H05, 93C15
DOI 10.20537/vm160208
Received 4 April 2016
Language Russian
Citation Kozlov A.A. On the sufficient condition of global scalarizability of linear control systems with locally integrable coefficients, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2016, vol. 26, issue 2, pp. 221-230.
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