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Russia Saint Petersburg
Section Mechanics
Title Orbits of distant satellites of stars
Author(-s) Proskurin S.A.a, Ossipkov L.P.a
Affiliations Saint Petersburg State Universitya
Abstract Planar motion of point mass in the field of a point mass (a star) and the Galaxy was studied numerically. The tidal (quadratic) approximation for the galactic potential was accepted. The equations of motion were integrated for the time interval equal to $60/\sqrt{A(A-b)}$ ($A$, $B$ are Oort's coefficients). A particle was considered as escaping if its distance from the star exceeded two distances of the libration points. It was found that osculating eccentricities of remaining particles could be decreasing systematically or almost constant. Table 1 shows dependence of orbit types on initial conditions.
Keywords stellar dynamics, celestial mechanics, orbits of satellites of stars, comet orbits
UDC 523.64-52, 524.3/.4-32
MSC 85A05
DOI 10.20537/vm130212
Received 29 January 2013
Language Russian
Citation Proskurin S.A., Ossipkov L.P. Orbits of distant satellites of stars, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki, 2013, issue 2, pp. 116-126.
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