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Name: Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Science
Text: Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Science
Address: pr. Vernadskogo, 101/1
City: Moscow
Postcode: 119526
Country: Russia
Number of authors: 2
Markeev Anatolii Pavlovich
Sukhoruchkin Dmitrii Andreevich
Number of publications: 3
2018-02-10 Markeev A.P., Sukhoruchkin D.A. On the dynamics of a pendulum mounted on a movable platform
2019-02-08 Markeev A.P. On periodic motions of a rigid body suspended on a thread in a uniform gravity field
2020-04-09 Markeev A.P. On normal coordinates in the vicinity of the Lagrangian libration points of the restricted elliptic three-body problem